The UIN is proof that the producer is registered with Refashion and up to date with its eco-fees, as required by the EPR system. The UIN facilitates monitoring and control of compliance with producers' obligations.
This obligation came into effect on January 01, 2022 (Law no. 2020-105 of February 10, 2020 on the fight against waste and the circular economy).
The UIN is issued after the regularization procedure.
The UIN is generated by ADEME and transmitted by Refashion to the marketer via the extranet ("Your company" tab).
- The UIN will be activated or deactivated each year, depending on the company's status.
- It must be included in the General Terms and Conditions and in all contractual documents.
- If a marketer ceases to meet its regulatory obligations, its IDU becomes inactive, and it is subject to the penalties set out in article L. 541-9-5 of the French Environment Code.
You can check whether your company has an up-to-date UIN by visiting the SYDEREP website.