First you need to register and fill in your SIRET number, your website “https://...”, your main activity, the competencies that you wish to make available to the platform users as well as your interests and expertise. Then fill in the contact section.
Once registered, you will receive a first email confirmation. Once registration has been validated by Refashion you will receive a mail to create your secure access information (look in your spam box). Once your secure access codes have been created, you can access the platform.
Then you will be asked to fill in the information on your company by clicking on “Company File”. Start by inserting your logo.
Then fill in the description of your business linked to recycling. If you wish to communicate outside of France, translate you description into English in italics after the description in French. Then indicate the markets targeted by the products you are offering on the platform.
Click on “save” after each modification.
Then add the “Materials/Products” files for the products you are offering.
You will be able to give the name of your product followed by its different characteristics. As a minimum, enter information into the compulsory fields marked with by an asterix*.
We recommend that you upload the visual and fill in the free text fields such as “Technical characteristics” for all details on format or on treatment processes. There is a comments field at the end in order to specify, for example, “manufactured upon request” or the minimum amount for an order. Here you can translate the description into English after the French.
For those offering solutions without products, please provide one or several example of the “Products/Materials” that you have co-developed and precisely specify the solution that you provide in your company’s description.
To be published, you have must have a minimum quantity on at least one “Product/Material file, e.g.: 0.001t
Be as precise and exhaustive as possible in order to appear in user searches.
Any new saved information or modifications are immediately visible in your account, but only 24 hours after having been saved for other users.