To write you waste prevention and eco-design plan Refashion offers you tools and the following steps:
Download the template suited to your needs and complete it using the writing guide.
- The developed template
Cf. excel file "Developed template - Waste prevention and Eco-design Plan"
This template has been pre-filed by Refashion, it provides examples of indicators and objectives You have the possibility to adapt, add, or delete some recommendations. The content of this template can be used exactly as it is or adapted to the needs and objectives of your organization.
- The blank template
Cf. excel file "Blank template - Waste prevention and Eco-designPlan"
This template allows you to elaborate the entire content of your plan (objectives, indicators, deadlines....).
It is important to note that completing the entire template it is not necessarily required. It is only compulsory to complete three areas because they are required by Article 72 of the French AGEC Law: Reduce the use of non-renewable resources, increase the use or recycled materials and increase the recyclability of its products.
Refashion recommends that the most relevant areas for your internal waste prevention and eco-design system are selected and those for which your company is ready to deploy the necessary work to implement them.
To find out more, watch our video: "Useful resources".